I've been up to a lot lately. Worked for a month as craft services on a
film set with my then-fiance, and, two weeks later, made him my now-husband. Woo-wee.
While honeymooning on Oak Island, NC (where, much to my disappointment, we saw no
sharks THEY ARE TERRIFYING I LOVE THEM SO MUCH), we found ourselves
sans internet. Which was fine, really, because we both regret what we consider our overuse of the internet. The house we were staying in had a fascinating DVD collection, and we definitely re-watched
Jurassic Park. It's still
amazing, in case you were wondering. I had recently re-watched
Jaws, which is also still
amazing. I'd been interested in watching these again because, while working on the film set, the DP, a Spielberg-lover, had been raving about how
Jaws still terrified him. He was right.
Also while working on the film set, the director, a James Cameron-lover, had been talking about Avatar. Which I hated. So I thought I'd give that one another try, and my newlywed husband and I popped it in (if you know what I mean). Well, guess what. I had been right. I still hated it.